01. Can I place the order here in your web shop and have it sent abroad?
Yes, it is possible, please contact the export department for further details info@mdh.pl
02. Is the Memo size chart comparable with other brands?
Memo uses his own size chart. Please look at the detailed size information on our website
03. Is it advisable for the kid to continue wearing Memo shoes if the diagnostic sole does not show the defects?
Yes, in this case Memo shoes can be treated as a prophylactic footwear which helps in the proper feet development. Memo shoes provide correct foot positioning and prevent from the potential defects.
04.Where can I try the shoes and check the size?
Please send us an email on info@mdh.pl with your location and we will get back to you with the current distributor address.
05. High or short upper memo shoes?
Depending on the orthopaedic problem, you can use either the short or high cut upper shoes. With the minor orthopaedic defects use the short cut upper shoes. If you have more serious defects such as valgus knees and flat feet , you should use the high cut upper shoes together with the orthopaedic insoles to provide the full correction and full comfort. It is advisable to use the high cut upper shoes for the standard and/or custom made orthopaedic insoles, which will keep the feet on the insole in proper position.
06. How to determine shoe size?
To properly measure your child’s foot, follow the simple instruction below:
1. Have your child stand back on the blank sheet of paper. Make sure his weight is put on both feet.
2. Outline the child’s feet with a pencil holding it upright and perpendicular to the surface.
3. Measure the length of the outline and check the foot size with the chart or Memo gauge.
4. Choose the proper size, always allow for about 0,8 to 1 cm between the toe and the end of the shoe. -
07. What is the maximum free space allowed in the shoe?
The free space between the toe and the end of the shoes shouldn’t be more than 10mm.Do not buy too big shoes. Wearing too big shoes can diminish the effects of the therapy. The optimum advisable free space is 5-8mm.
08. What is a Thomas heel
Thomas heel is used for heightening middle part of a shoe’s sole for 3-5 mm. This construction is used for proper feet positioning.
09. Is there a Thomas heel in Memo shoes?
Yes, majority of the Memo models have the Thomas heel in the sole. There are some models where Thomas heel is incorporated into the midsole. Only Memo Baby shoes do not have the Thomas heel.
10. How much time do we need to wear the shoes to get the diagnosis?
Depending on the surface you walk on when wearing Memo shoes, it can take from 2 to 7 days to get the diagnosis. After this time you will see the signs on the outsole and follow the instructions.
11. Is it possible to use the Memo insoles in other than Memo shoes ?
Corrective insoles should be used together with the proper orthopaedic shoes with the stiff counterforce in order to keep the feet on the insole in a proper position and provide the best corrective treatment.
There is no sense in using the insoles inside the shoes with soft counterforce. In such shoes the heel will not be used in a proper position. The shoes will deform easily and cause incorrect feet positioning. -
12. What to do when in-toeing has been noticed?
In-toeing is also known as pigeon toes. This is where a child’s feet turn in. The condition usually corrects itself by the age of eight or nine if there were no hip joint, knees and feet problems earlier. In order to speed up the process and help with proper walking patters development, we advise to wear a prophylactic footwear, with the anatomic shape outsole and do feet exercises regularly.
13. Knock knees, X shape knees what does it mean?
Knock knees – this is when a child stands with their knees together and there’s a gap between their ankles. Between the ages of two and four a gap of up to 6cm is considered normal however we should remember about the prophylactic shoes to be worn, in order to prevent the feet from defect development. Knock knees usually correct themselves by the age of six. Using the diagnostic outsole of Memo shoes, you will see the disappearance of the straps in zone 1,2 and 3.This is na abnormal wear patterns which can be observed on the kid’s shoes and it shows the defect of knock knees
14. Flat feet – what is it?
Having flat feet, or ‚fallen arches’, means that your feet have low or no arches and press almost completely flat against the ground. The arch, or instep, is the middle part of the foot that’s usually raised off the ground when you stand, while the rest of the foot remains flat on the ground. In young children, this arch isn’t always visible because of the baby fat and soft tissue in their feet. It usually develops and appears as they get older. If an arch forms when your child stands on tiptoe, no special treatment will normally be needed. If your child’s flat feet persist after the age of four, it is important to have their foot posture and development checked by your podiatrist.However, some people never really develop this arch. Sometimes, this is because they inherited flat feet from their parents. Suggested treatment for flat feet :
wearing orthopaedic shoes that fit well
wearing specially made insoles inside your shoes to support your feet and stop them rolling inwards -
15. When can I see the effects of the therapy?
Depending on the intensity of the problem and the followed therapy, the effects we can observe after 5-9 months. Using the Memo shoes and the insoles every day and regular exercises will definitely speed up the correction process.
16. What kind of exercises to correct flat feet?
Check our site here. There are many different exercises. Start with choosing 3-4 exercises and try to do them regularly. After a few days change the exercise set. In correcting the feet by exercises most important is the regularity.
17. Free feet and posture examination, when and where?
Contact us in order to get the distributor information at your location. Please send and email to: info@mdh.pl